
So I let the blog slip a little these past couple of months. However, I’ve been itching to get back into writing for quite a while now. I tend to fall into the trap of thinking that I don’t have anything worthwhile to say. But, I started this primarily for myself and have missed the rather cathartic process. So here I am. I have a couple of ideas in the pipeline but I wanted to get back into the swing of things first. So rather aptly, I’m going to share what I’ve read this month that had me itching to put fingers to keys.

In praise of Nowstalgia: the sadness in happiness. Emily grosvenor.

I came across this beautifully written blog post this month. In it Emily describes a feeling I am well acquainted with and coins a perfect new term; Nowstalgia.“…that split second when I can sense that a memory is being created, and instead of being happy for the calamitous beauty of this moment, I’m already nostalgic for how much I’m going to miss it years from now.” As someone that can be introspective to a fault, I’ve often noticed my mind going to this place. Yet I hadn’t fully realised until this person managed to put into words the strange emotional pang I couldn’t describe myself.

Along a very similar vein I discovered this video:

I find it fascinating how the style of recital, as well as the considered addition of music or visuals can really elevate the written word. You can be swayed by the way that person chooses to present the message and notice nuances you didn’t before. Reading written word can be a very solitary experience, yet the same few lines can interpreted an endless amount of ways.


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